Our awesome celebrity correspondent Brad Patterson recently caught up with local tv personality Elle Franco for a chat!

BP - Hi Elle, thank you for your time.
EF - You are welcome thank you for the interview opportunity, now let’s pick my brain
BP - We all know that the media doesn’t always get all their info correct, what is the strangestthing you have read about yourself that wasn’t true?
EF - Well I have never read something weird or that was untrue, but last year a news paper printed a DIY article of mine without my consent, I still to this day don’t know how they got hold of the images and article?
BP - What is the most memorable tweet or post you have received, or been tagged in?
EF - When I used to work in store on weekend showing customers DIY 3 years ago, I became friends with an in store announcer and his name is Thulani (2Larnie) and recently he saw my poster in store saying that I am on the Home Channel DSTV and he took a selfie with it and tagged me “saying it an honor to see how hard I have worked and grown! Such an awesome post of support from him!
BP - Everybody starts their working careers off small, what was your very first job?
EF - My TV/ entertainment career I have now was not always my career but more of a side hustle for many years until one day it became my chosen full time career. When I graduated with my Honors in Industrial Psychology, my first proper job was an Administrator/Facilitator for a Learnership company called IPT, offering Call Centre NQF levels. My First Job/ gig in my side hustle of being on TV was back when I was 23 ( back in the day) I was the co presenter for Coca Cola Mega millions game show on ETV. I absolutely loved it and knew then I didn’t want this to just be a side hustle in my life, and worked hard to make it a possible full time career.
BP - The entertainment industry is a tough industry to break into. What encouraging words do you have for anyone starting out?
EF - Persevere Persevere Persevere. Keep keeping on, don’t give up. Don’t take things too personally, some auditions you win and others you lose that is the name of the game.
And join a great talent agency.
BP - In your line of work you get to meet a wide variety of people. Who was your
Most memorable?
EF - I met some really great musicians, actors and personalities during my career. The most memorable would have to be meeting Danny K and his family, it was an awesome day that I will never forget and then working with J something on the intro to his one cooking show a few years back, I was playing the role of a “Mom cooking” with him.
BP - I am sure you have encountered a few fans along the way, what has been your favouritefan encounter? This one lady I met in store, I was talking to her about DIY and paint, only after a few minutes realized that she loves the Home Made Easy show on DSTV and that it was me standing in front of her and she looked at the poster behind me and did a double take! Then she smiled and said she wanted a pic with me and how she loves my projects and she cant believe how short I am in “real Life”, needless to say I was blushing and smiling
BP - Every star starts somewhere small. What was your very first gig? Tell us the story of how you got it, and how you responded to landing the role.
EF - My first role was a co presenter on the Game show “ Coca Cola Mega Millions” on ETV it went live twice a week. I went for the audition, for my agent at the time, at first I didn’t get it, but then a month later they called me to say I got the role because the existing presenter ( non other than Bonang Matheba) is leaving for another job on SABC 3. I was so happy to get the gig, and be next in line so to say. I remember being shown the ropes on set by Bonang, who after that gig just exploded in to stardom! I still wonder if she remembers me haha!
BP - Even the biggest stars have heroes they would love to meet, given the opportunity.Who would you like to meet? Jim Carrey, Will smith, Oprah, Jennifer Lopez, Jeannie D, … I could go on and on
BP - What is it about them that make you admire them?
EF - Jim Carrey, because he is a creative genius and my favorite actor.
Will Smith, is just so talented and an all round cool guy!
Oprah, I mean come on, no reason needed here
Jenifer Lopez, she is determined, a clever business woman and just amazing.
Jeannie D, because of her long standing career in South Africa as a TV presenter and personality.

BP - Most people have someone who inspired them to become what they are, who was your inspiration?
EF - I always wanted to be on camera and in the entertainment industry, when I was a teenager I realized this dream even if I didn’t tell anyone, not only one person has inspired me, but many, my friends and family and countless on screen talented individuals. I used to watch them and I say to myself “Man I would love to do this”
BP - Now onto a more personal note for those superfans out there>Where did you grow up,and what was it like growing up where you did?
EF - I grew up in Alberton for most of my life, except for one year when I was 9 years old we lived in the UK. I love Alberton, it is such a great community and I guess I just have fond memories of the schools here and where we lived. I wont be moving any time soon.
BP - Did you always see yourself in the entertainment industry, or did you have differentdreams as a child? I think as a child your imagination runs wild, like mine did in primary school. As a young child I wanted to be a Jockey, fashion designer, veterinarian, dancer and news reader.
EF - But as I got older, like in high school you start giving it more serious thought, I wanted to be an optometrist, lawyer or psychologist. But when I was about 14 I had this urge to be on TV, I even saw a kids show ( Yo TV) having presenter auditions one weekend, I really wanted to go but thought my parents and friends would think this is silly, so I kept it to myself. I then stuck with psychologist because I love people and went on to get degrees in psychology at university, but I guess a real urge and dream is hard to ignore forever.
BP - How has your life changed with the advent of fame?
EF - I would not say that I am not that famous where is has changed my life. I do get asked “ your face looks familiar” and “ where have I seen you before” or “hey are you that DIY girl” but not to a point where I am being stopped at the grocery store hehe…. yet
BP - What has been your most challenging decision in your career thus far? What made it so challenging?
EF - The most channeling decision I had to face was turning something that I do and I am good at into a “brand” and worrying if it would be successful and accepted. And especially that it really hasn’t been done before in SA, entering a niche market is always challenging but if it works, like it has it is so rewarding.
BP - With so much experience under your belt,what is next for Elle Francoto conquer?
EF - Yes I have so many failures under my belt aka “experience”, but “experience” is what helps you grow further! I really do love the business aspect of things and not only do I run a brand ( DIY with Elle ) it is also a fully functioning business, with clients, marketing, sales the whole package. I would like to venture and explore more business opportunities. On the DIY and entertainment side I want to host my own DIY workshops targeted towards women, produce my own TV show and open a nonprofit organization that specializes in elevating skills in impoverished areas.
BP - Having done so much work and travel, what has become your fondest memory of your career thus far?
EF - I have many fond memories of my career, every time went for an for an audition, putting myself out there and then I get “That call” to say I got the gig, those celebratory feelings and memories never get old. One of my recent favorite memories, was when I found out I was going to co host a TV show on Home DIY for the Home Channel on DSTV, I was so excited I remember feeling like I won the Lotto!
BP - Everyone harbours a pet peeve. What is yours?
EF - I cannot stand arriving at a table at a restaurant and the table and menu is sticky and dirty as you sit down, then I have to ask for them to be wiped down, it is not the best welcome to start off on, I could literally just turn away and walk out.
BP - Random Question. If you could choose any superhero to play on a big budget Hollywood production, who would you play?
EF - l love Marvel comics the X- men, since I was a kid and one of my favorite characters is Rogue… she can fly and has the ability to absorb and sometimes also remove the memories, physical strength, and superpowers of anyone she touches. Tough to manage but still a cool super hero to play!
BP - Have you enjoyed this little interview?
EF - I did thank you, you made me think which is always a good thing! #reflection
BP - Final Question: Do you have a special message for all our readers for the Valentine’s Season?
EF - If you are single or in a relationship use this line on valentine’s day to win some ones heart or make your significant other smile,
“I think you are suffering from a lack of vitamin ME”
Peace, love and high fives!
BP - Thank you very much for taking part in this interview. It has been a pleasure reading yourresponses and getting to know you just that little bit better. I, and your many fans, takegreat pleasure in learning more about you.
EF - Thank you Brad, keep up the good work !
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